The following are traditional family areas, all within the beautiful district of Vilsen in Niedersachsen (North Saxony) in northern Germany. All these towns (some are merely rural settlements, not towns) are within half an hour of each other.

Affinghausen - Town near Engeln Hache where Bensemann family still owns a pub, which is believed to have been originally owned by Cordt Bensemann's uncle. (Any confirmation or condemnation re that fact is welcomed).

Engeln Hache - The village in northern Germany where Cordt Bensemann's father Johann Albert was born and died.

See Engeln

Rehmstedt - Little farming settlement near Engeln-Hache where Bensemann family and our Rehmstedt ancestors lived.

Rehmstedt Family

Old door lintel which is still displayed inside Bensemann's pub in Affinghausen, Germany. Johann Dieterich Bensemann (name in the lintel) is believed to be Cordt Bensemann's uncle.

Sudwalde has been a key family area for centuries. See for example: Anna Bensemann nee Kothrade

Oerdinghausen - A rural area near Engeln Hache where Cordt's ancestors, the Rehmstedts, lived.

Ohlendorf - Tiny rural settlement at edge of Mellinghausen which is still home to the Logemann and Kothrade families, ancestors to Bensemanns who emigrated.

Mellinghausen - A small village where the Logemanns, ancestors to the Bensemanns lived.

Briese Family

Bruchausen-Vilsen - The largest town in the ancestral area, featuring an impressive church which may have family links. Does anyone know these?


Stone at the Logemann hof or farm at Ohlendorf near Mellinghausen commemorating the early settlers there. The Logemann family, Bensemann ancestors, still owns this land.

The English translation is (roughly): 'What is unreachable shouldn’t concern us. It is our duty to reach the heights we can.'

Short family tree (right) of the Logemann family in a memorial at Ohlendorf.